Want to start services?   Please complete the Best Behavior Client Intake Packet 2024 *If you have Partnership HealthPlan of California, please complete this PHC ROI formin addition to the intake packet.  

Far Northern Regional Center

Starting out as one of our first clients, Far Northern Regional Center has been an integral part of our success. We offer a behavioral services training through the Regional Center for parents or caregivers to enhance their knowledge in the field prior to initiating behavior services.  Families who complete this training may go on to receive behavior intervention services through Best Behavior, LLC or through another service provider offered by the Regional Center.  For more information on this training, please call us at: 530-232-0845.  If you or your loved one is a client of Far Northern Regional Center and you’d like to learn more about behavior intervention services, please contact your service coordinator.

School Districts

Local school districts have a significant need for critical analysis of problematic behavior.  Our contracts take a collaborative approach as a part of the IEP team to create Functional Behavior Assessments, Behavior Intervention Plans, and provide ongoing consultation to make sure each plan– and the student it addresses– is successful.


Partnership Health Plan

Anthem Medi-Cal

Anthem- Private 


We provide behavior intervention services through private insurance companies.  For more information, please contact your physician to request a referral for ABA.